Running is seen as an important tool to help people who want to lose weight, and its participants live up to this fame since the vast majority of them are thin. But know that they have this biotype because of physical structure, they were born genetically favored and it makes a lot of sense for the best runners to be thin, after all the runner needs to move their mass as fast as possible and whoever has a mass of 50 kilos will have more ease or it will use less energy to make this shift.
Know that the most efficient way to lose weight is not running but dietary re-education, for example, if you consume 2000 calories and run for 1 hour, losing 500 calories, you will have a balance of 1500 calories, or if you consume 1500 calories and stay on the couch watching the social networks, you will have ingested the same amount as those who ran for 1 hour.
And if we eat 3, 4, 5 times a day, but run 3 to 4 times a week, the bill doesn’t close, so dietary reeducation, when the reference is bodyweight, ends up being more efficient.
But when running, our body stimulates more than 17,000 molecules that are activated to meet needs through biological processes, including metabolic pathways, aerobic and anaerobic energy production systems, proteins, enzymes, oxidative, inflammatory, and regenerative processes, between others. So, if you’re thinking about running globally beyond body weight, here are some benefits that go far beyond weight loss:
1. It Reduces Stress
When we run, we sensitize some hormones, especially a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which is a conductor and has the function of controlling emotions, mood, influencing motor skills, and work, in the digestive process and blood flow.
2. Increases Cardiovascular Capacity.
The regular practice of street running improves the conditioning of the cardiac muscle, strengthening and mainly generating important adaptations, including capillarization.
3. Lowers Cholesterol Levels.
It helps to improve blood biochemical markers, including cholesterol, which is used as energy, thus decreasing its concentration in the bloodstream and, consequently, the accumulation in the wall of the arteries.
4.Helps In Weight Loss.
One of the main sources of energy for aerobic activities, especially running, are fatty acids, fat molecules that are rich in energy, but which in high amounts in the body cause some harm to people’s health.
5. Increases Physical Disposition
You will hardly find a runner or exerciser tired, compared to a sedentary one. Observe in your social cycle, such as in the company: those who do physical activity are always more willing to help, grab a coffee, make a photocopy, organize an event, mobilize colleagues to do volunteer work, and of course, participate in jogging on Sunday or practice at 6 am.
6. Reduces Symptoms Of Depression And Anxiety.
One of those responsible for the possible increase and higher incidence of cases of depression is the low sensitization of serotonin. Running manages to increase the sensitization of this neurotransmitter in the bloodstream, giving a feeling of well-being, minimizing the effects of depression.