How to Address Wedding Save the Date Postcards

A save the date postcard is not the same as a wedding invitation, actually it acts as a wedding pre-invite. Save the date postcards are normally sent to guests anywhere from 6-12 months before the actual wedding date. Their main function is to allow your guests to have plenty of time to decide on whether they will be able to attend the wedding, and to schedule the date on their calendars.

Many engaged couples tend to ask if it necessary to send out save the date cards in the first place, because they will still have to send out the formal invitations. It is recommended to send both of these to provide invitees with ample time to make the necessary preparations and to give some leeway incase new changes are made to your plans. Different from a formal wedding invitation, a save the date card can be sent prior to the finalization of wedding details, meaning you can send them way in advance.

How to Address a Save the Date Postcard

This is the right way of addressing wedding save the date postcards:

  • Address your invitees with “Mr.”, “Mrs.” or “Ms.” Given that you know their professional titles, just use those instead.
  • In formal save the date cards, you should write your guests’ names in full. Avoid nicknames or abbreviations
  • If your guests have children under the age of 18, their names should be put on the second line after the names of their parents. Children who are 18 years and older should be given their own save the date card.
  • Ensure that you spell out the physical addresses fully. Write “Street” and “Road” rather than “St.” and “Rd.” Also spell out the city name in full, but for the state you can use the postal abbreviations as long as they are correct.
  • Include your return address on the cards. Position it preferably on the upper left-hand corner of the card.

Details to Include in the Message

As you create your save the date post card, remember to include the following information in the message:

  • Your names are the most obvious detail to include on your card. Traditionally, the name of the bride-to-be is written first. However, for married couples the name of the husband appears first. Nowadays though, people are free to put any order they like.
  • Include the words “Save the Date” and you can choose to include any other important announcement for your engagement.
  • State the planned wedding date. It is always best to have a set date before sending out save the date postcards.
  • Put down the wedding location, even if it is just the city or state. At this early stage you may not have identified a specific venue yet, so you don’t have to include a venue, but you need to state the city, state or country.
  • Add a line indicating that the invitee will receive a formal wedding invitation. For example you can say ‘Formal Invitation to Follow”.

Are you interested in making a custom save the date postcard for your wedding guests? Mixbook is an online editor that provides beautiful customizable save the date postcards for all sorts of events. On this platform you can make your own cards from scratch or use their easy to use templates. Shipping is fast and the services are reasonably priced.