Everything has its vulnerability. People get vulnerable with the ones they love. Crops and other agriculture are vulnerable to cold weather, while your home weakens due to water damage and strong winds. Electronic components also have their vulnerabilities. Manufacturers conduct several assessments to perfect devices. Some are high-temperature operating life (HTOL) testing, burn in testing or moisture sensitivity testing.
A burn in test is generally used to identify early failures, which may occur in electronic and semiconductor devices. Some of the reliability test servicesthat can wear out a component are:
TEMPERATURE – HTOL testing applies environmental stress to the subject. The subject goes through 125-200°C over some time and cycles.
ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE – Electrostatic discharge (ESD) generally occurs when the voltage between two objects opposes each other.
MOISTURE SENSITIVITY LEVEL – Another test that can be done through a burn in system is tracking the moisture sensitivity level in the component. Moisture is one of the environmental stresses that cause malfunctions in electronic components.
The environmental stress factors are necessary to determine if a specific component is acceptable in the market. Here are reasons why it’s crucial.
- It can detect early failures and complications in the initial stages of the burn in test. Through early detection, components can be corrected and repaired.
- It can also improve the state of the subject. Over time, random failures may start to occur. The component can endure future stresses and prolong its shelf life through reliability test services.
- It can also control the quality. If a component didn’t pass the initial burn in test, the time and costs of repeating the same process will be minimised.
If one of the electronic components goes down in flames, the manufacturers will repair and repeat the same HTOL and burn in testing. The manufacturers can mitigate the malfunction risks and help select which components can advance to installations through these reliability test services.
For the finest yet most affordable choice for reliability test services, you may reach out to Trio-Tech International on (+65) 6265 3300 or send a query on their email.