End-Stage Alcoholism Symptoms – Seek Medical Help Before You Reach Last-stage!

Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a progressive condition that can develop over time. However, there are generally three stages of alcoholism. During the early stage, a person may begin to develop a tolerance to alcohol and experience cognitive issues. In the middle stage, the person’s drinking habits become more problematic and damage his family. They turn defensive or secretive about their drinking.

Physical withdrawal symptoms from alcohol quitting or controlling are extremely hard. It is sensible for people still in their early or middle stage to take rehabilitation steps and move towards recovery before they reach the end of the fatal stage. Detox to Rehab directory lists resources and locations to find help to quit alcohol addiction.

End-stage alcoholism is the final and most severe stage of alcohol addiction. The symptoms generally include:

  1. Liver damage: End-stage alcoholism can lead to liver damage, which can cause jaundice, ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdomen), and liver failure.
  2. Brain damage: Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to brain damage, resulting in confusion, memory loss, and cognitive impairment.
  3. Worsening of mental health conditions: Individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions may experience worsening symptoms, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation.
  4. Gastrointestinal problems: It can cause gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting.
  5. Cardiovascular problems: Alcoholism can lead to cardiovascular problems, including high blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat.
  6. Nutritional deficiencies: It can lead to malnutrition, as heavy drinking can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients.
  7. Weakened immune system: The immune system gets weakened making individuals more susceptible to infections.
  8. Seizures: The risk of seizures increases, which can be life-threatening.

Remember not everyone with alcohol use disorder will experience all of these stages, and not everyone will progress through them in a linear fashion. Additionally, it’s possible to seek treatment at any stage of alcoholism and make a recovery.

To prevent end-stage alcoholism case start looking for addiction therapy. End-stage alcoholism induces horrible and possibly fatal consequences, so reach out to nearby rehab ASAP.