Home and car owners pay monthly installments to insurance companies with the hopes that when disaster strikes, financial assistance is there. Should a tree fall into the roof, a pipe bust or hail destroy your car, the agency is present to alleviate the financial burden to the repairs. How simple is the process, though? Insurance claims may seem intimidating, and it’s possible to make filing errors. It’s important for those filing to understand how to request funds and support these claims. Consider the following five steps.
1. Read Through the Policy
Before you call the agent, read through the paperwork to know if you should have coverage. Have the handouts in front of you during your conversation, citing words directly from the contract. Be clear about what has happened. Above all, reach out promptly. Insurance companies don’t want you to wait.
2. File a Claim
Ask to open a claim. This begins the process to evaluate your home or car’s situation and determine if it qualifies for coverage. Be prepared for lots of questions and the request for their agents to evaluate the situation.
3. Get Expert Opinions
Don’t hesitate to begin fixing the house or vehicle. You don’t want secondary conditions to set in causing more harm. In fact, these assessments may be sent to the agent, validating your request.
For example, if a hail storm devastated your car look for experts in hail damage repair Lakewood CO. The professionals can not only give you an estimate but they can assist in working with the insurance.
4. Submit Photo Evidence
Support your filing with picture evidence. Allow the companies performing tests to document. In addition, have images from the original location. Showing the problem could expedite the process.
Be patient. Insurance claims take time. To make the process a bit easier, remain in communication and understand the importance of knowing your policy and backing it up with as much evidence as possible.