There are many reasons repaint a car, such as touch ups, a color change or restoration. Here are the steps to painting a car.
Determine the Severity
Some small dents and scratches may just need to be touched up using DIY kits, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Bigger jobs require a lot more time and effort, and you may even want to hire someone else to do the auto painting. Before you start painting, you’ll need to determine if you want to do the job yourself, how much time it will take and the equipment you’ll need. The color of your car’s paint can be found on the compliance plate if you want to match the existing color.
You’ll need a large, clean area to paint your car. Then you will want to use paper and masking tape to cover any parts you do not wish to paint. Then, the existing color must be sanded down. You’ll need to sand off the top coat, main coat, and base coat to get to the bare metal. When finished, the car should be cleaned with paint thinners.
The car needs to be primed to give the paint a smooth surface to adhere to. The primer will need to be mixed with paint thinners and sprayed onto the vehicle. It will then have to be sanded and cleaned with paint thinners once again.
After the primer is dry, the color can be mixed with paint thinners and sprayed on. Most colors require multiple coats, and the paint will need time to dry between coats. After applying the last coat, the car can be lightly sanded and cleaned with a towel.
Clear Coat
The final step is applying a clear coat. Before the final coat dries, the paper and masking tape should be removed from the vehicle, allowing you to touch up any missed edges.
Once the clear coat dries, your job is complete! These steps can be used to paint your car at home, or you can take it to a trusted auto shop for professional painting.