Whether you have students remote full-time or part-time, it’s important to give them all the support they need to be successful while not in the classroom. Working remotely can make it difficult for some students to stay on task and keep up with their classmates. Read on for how you can work to support your students while they are learning remotely.
Give Them the Necessary Tools
For your students to succeed, they will need to have all the tools necessary to be able to work efficiently at home. This includes a computer or tablet to access their work on, as well as a stable internet connection. You may want to consider advocating for your school to invest in a school WiFi hotspot. A school that provides hotspots for students allows opportunity for those without an internet connection at home to reach their full potential in remote learning.
Be Available
Since you aren’t with them on a daily basis, make sure your students know that they can still come to you with any questions. A great place would be a discussion board or a personal messaging system if they want to ask questions privately. Encouraging them to ask questions in a discussion board can help the other students learn from the answer as well, similar to if they asked the question in person in a classroom setting. Also, be sure to have office hours each week where they can join a call and ask any questions they have face to face.
Virtual Group Work
Organizing group activities while remote can lead to students still feeling connected to each other while apart. It can be awkward at first for them to adapt to working with each other remotely, but it’s something they will get used to. Group activities are important because it teaches students the skills they need to work with others in the real world. That’s why it’s important to refrain from getting rid of group work entirely while everyone is remote.
Set Their Schedule
With students working at home, they are bound to run into more distractions from their school work. Because of this, it’s important to give them as much structure as possible while they are not in the classroom. This can be done by giving them work time to do a specific assignment or project. You can motivate them to actually work on the assignment at this time by being available to answer questions or by having to go over it as a class right after it. Although each virtual classroom will look different based on the grade or the subject, there is always something
you can do to help motivate your students while remote. Finding out what works best for your classroom will help the rest of virtual learning go more smoothly.
Transitioning to remote learning can be a difficult process that may take some time for you and your students to figure out. Each student has different learning styles, so it is important to work through what works best for each student. Even though this can take time, it will be worth it once your students are able to find the type of remote learning that leads to them being successful.