In the human body, growth hormone (HGH) is produced by the pituitary gland. It is found in very large amounts during adolescence, when it promotes tissue generation, protein storage and consumption of subcutaneous tissue. With maturation, the endogenous levels of this hormone decrease, remaining in the body in very small amounts. In the body, the structure of the growth hormone is composed of a sequence of 191 amino acids. After being isolated by scientists, it has been proven that this hormone has fantastic therapeutic properties, especially in the case of pituitary gland deficiency.
It was first isolated in 1956 and its structure was identified in 1972. In the 1980s, the first drugs containing growth hormone appeared. The only source of growth hormone was the pituitary gland of human corpses. But this method produces drugs with a short life, because of which the patients could get infected a very rare brain disease – a disease that was fatal.
The use of growth hormone has become more common in the sports world because of numerous beneficial effects. For starters, HGH stimulates growth in almost all tissues, primarily due to the increase in cell numbers, and not because of increase in their size. This includes skeletal muscles and other organs, other than the eye and brain. The transport of amino acids is also increased, as well as protein synthesis. All these effects are in fact mediated by Kigtropin, a very anabolic hormone produced in the liver and other tissues in response to HGH (the highest levels of Kigtropin occur 20 hours after the administration of HGH- site). HGH also stimulates hydrolysis of triglycerides in adipose tissue, with an important decrease in adipose tissue during administration. It also induces resistance to insulin, using fat as the main source of energy instead of carbohydrates.
Kigtropin growth hormone reviews:
The growth effect seems to strengthen both the cartilage and the tendons, reducing the risk of accidents when working with heavy weights. Although it is widely used in the sports world, there are no tests to detect HGH by urine analysis. The only way to detect HGH is by testing the blood. The means by which HGH helps an athlete has been the subject of a long dispute. Some say it is the most anabolic substance, capable of amazing things, giving muscle mass gains and fat burning in very short periods of time.