Sports Injury Clinic In Singapore 101: Preventing Sports-Related Injuries

Sports and injuries are attached to the hip. Athletes must accept that they are likely to get injured once or twice in their sporting careers, getting knee pain treatment in Singapore. Some are lucky, like competitive swimmers and table tennis players, who play some of the safest sports. If there are safe sports, there are also the dangerous ones, including mixed martial arts and boxing, where martial artists and boxers hit each other deliberately.

But no sport is injury-free, and asports injury clinic in Singapore is a testament to that. Luckily some injuries are preventable. There are ways and tricks to lower the risk of injuries before, during, and after the game.

Learn how to keep athletes safe from injury by reading this article.

World’s Dangerous Sports

Sports push athletes to their physical and mental limits, so it is literally and generally dangerous. But the feeling of being present in the moment and the sensation of thrill and adventure are what gravitate people towards it, even if it means a possible knee pain treatment due tosports injury. If you are looking for a sports injury specialist in Singapore, you can check out this article by Ray of Health and speak to a specialist.

Here are several of the world’s dangerous sports:

1. BASE jumping

BASE jumping, or Buildings, Antennas, Spans, and Earth jumping, is a recreational sport where a person tries to jump from a high point, such as a cliff, bridge, or skyscraper, and descend safely using wingsuits until they land on the ground.

Skydiving, an almost similar sport, lets the person jump on moving objects such as planes and helicopters.

Most base jumpers die on the impact of objects, such as protruding trees on the cliffs or the ground itself. Human error, terrible exit, malfunctioning suits and flying gears, and environmental factors are other causes of BASE jumping deaths. Those who survived need a series of medical procedures, including knee pain treatment in Singapore.

2. Boxing

Boxing is a combat sport where two people throw punches at each other. According to the rules, punches must be thrown on the head and body alone. Not at the back of the head or below the belt.

Boxers need to get a health screening in Singapore, undergo training, and must be within the weight limit to be able to fight. For safety, boxers wear mouthguards, hand wraps and gloves, and padded headgears for protection.

Despite the safety gear, many boxers suffer from a concussion, brain injury, neurological decline, and even death.

3. Mountaineering and rock climbing

Mountaineering is an outdoor sport that involves climbing or ascending mountain peaks. More than just trekking, mountaineering may include the dangerous rock climbing, where the mountaineers need to vertically climb steep cliffs with the aid of ropes and other gears.

High-altitude cerebral oedema (HACE) and high-altitude pulmonary oedema (HAPE) are the common conditions mountaineers develop during their climb. Falling off the cliff, avalanche, hyperthermia, and dehydration are also causes of mountaineering deaths.

Mountaineers undergo rigorous training, preparation, and executive health screening in Singapore before climbing mountains.

4. Auto and motorbike racing

Auto racing is a motorsport where automobiles race against each other to finish a series of laps.

Motorbike racing is similar to auto racing, except for a few things. Motorbike racing has different terrains– be on-road or off-road. Off-road motorbike racing is called motocross.

Although racers wear protection gear, such as helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads, their vehicles are constantly upgraded for safety; deaths due to accidents are still inevitable.

Now that you know some of the world’s most dangerous sports, it is time to learn how to reduce getting injured while playing sports.


Preventing Sports-Related Injuries

Did you know that besides wearing safety gear, such as helmets and shoulder pads, athletes can also reduce their sports-related long-term and short-term injury risks by consulting a sports injury clinic in Singapore?

Here are some ways to prevent sports-related injury:

1. Stretch and exercise

It is standard practice for athletes to stretch and exercise before their training or game. Stretching and exercises keep the muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments flexible and strong before the game. It also improves blood circulation. An athlete who stretches and exercises before the game or training performs better.

On the other hand, for those who don’t have weak and stiff muscles During the game, stiff muscles are forced to work, increasing pain and swelling after the game. Much worse, injury during the game, which may even need a knee treatment in Singapore.

2. Use proper methods

Most sports involve repetitive movements. For example, golfers and tennis players swing their arms forcefully, whilst basketball and football players constantly run around the court and field.

If an athlete executes these repetitive movements improperly, they are likely to suffer injuries. For example, tennis players and golfers develop tennis elbows and golf elbows, conditions where forearm muscles and the tendons in the elbow become damaged due to overuse.

Athletes may need checkups andhealth screening in Singaporeto diagnose these non-apparent injuries.

3. Ensure recovery

Athletes must be 100% recovered from their previous injury before getting back to their game.

Going into the professional game while not being fully recovered yet increases the risk of recurring injury. The injured part, be it your knees, ankles, or shoulders, are not as strong as before.

With blunt force or ugly fall, these injuries may reappear again. Your return to the game after your knee pain treatment in Singapore must be gradual. Athletes may start my gentle exercises and less competitive practice games before returning to the professional leagues. Remember, give your body time to heal.

4. Follow the rules

An athlete must pay respect to the sports and fellow athletes by following the rules.

If the boxing rules say no blows on the neck or at the back of the head, then don’t do it. If the basketball rules say no shoving and hitting of elbows against the opponents, then don’t do it.

Not only is it unsportsmanlike, but you are risking your opponent’s safety by inflicting injury on them.

Furthermore, some rules require athletes to wear proper uniforms and safety gear before playing. Uniforms and equipment decrease the risk of injuries, so wear them properly. Otherwise, you may need to seek a sports injury clinic in Singapore.


Generally, sports are dangerous, but withhealth screening in Singapore, proper stretching and exercise, and compliance with the sport’s safety rules, athletes need not worry.

Thomson Wellth Clinic

Thomson Wellth Clinic provides executive health screening in Singapore. Visit Thomson Wellth Clinic today.